amoco drillaid 403: Amoco Drillaid 403фирм. поверхностно-активное вещество (для ликвидации прихватов,возникающих под действием перепада давления)amoco drillaid 403фирм. поверхностно-активное вещество (для ликвидации пр
The Amoco Cadiz disaster was also a subject of litigation in the United States. Катастрофа, происшедшая с танкером "Амоко Кадис", стала предметом судебного разбирательства и в Соединенных Штатах.
The Court found that Amoco Transport, a Liberian corporation, was merely a nominal owner of the Amoco Cadiz and that Standard Oil controlled the design, construction, operation and management of the tanker and treated it as if it belonged to Standard Oil. Суд признал "Стандард ойл" виновной в совершении деликта, выразившегося в небрежном надзоре за деятельностью ее дочерних компаний.
In the Amoco Cadiz litigation, following the Amoco Cadiz supertanker disaster off Brittany, French Administrative departments of Côtes du Nord and Finistère and numerous municipalities called “communes”, and various French individuals, businesses and associations sued the owner of the Amoco Cadiz, and its parent company in the United States. Иски были предъявлены в связи с убытками в результате прекращения деловой деятельности.
In the Amoco Cadiz litigation, following the Amoco Cadiz supertanker disaster off Brittany, French Administrative departments of Côtes du Nord and Finistère and numerous municipalities called “communes”, and various French individuals, businesses and associations sued the owner of the Amoco Cadiz, and its parent company in the United States. Иски были предъявлены в связи с убытками в результате прекращения деловой деятельности.
In the Amoco Cadiz litigation, following the Amoco Cadiz supertanker disaster off Brittany, French Administrative departments of Côtes du Nord and Finistère and numerous municipalities called “communes”, and various French individuals, businesses and associations sued the owner of the Amoco Cadiz, and its parent company in the United States. Иски были предъявлены в связи с убытками в результате прекращения деловой деятельности.
In the Amoco Cadiz litigation, following the Amoco Cadiz supertanker disaster off Brittany, French Administrative departments of Côtes du Nord and Finistère and numerous municipalities called “communes”, and various French individuals, businesses and associations sued the owner of the Amoco Cadiz, and its parent company in the United States. Иски были предъявлены в связи с потерями в результате прекращения деловой деятельности.
In the Amoco Cadiz litigation, following the Amoco Cadiz supertanker disaster off Brittany, French Administrative departments of Côtes du Nord and Finistère and numerous municipalities called “communes”, and various French individuals, businesses and associations sued the owner of the Amoco Cadiz, and its parent company in the United States. Иски были предъявлены в связи с потерями в результате прекращения деловой деятельности.
In the Amoco Cadiz litigation, following the Amoco Cadiz supertanker disaster off Brittany, French Administrative departments of Côtes du Nord and Finistère and numerous municipalities called “communes”, and various French individuals, businesses and associations sued the owner of the Amoco Cadiz, and its parent company in the United States. Иски были предъявлены в связи с потерями в результате прекращения деловой деятельности.